11.12.2011 - 11:00

Revolver, January/February 2012 - The 100 Greatest Living Rock Stars

HIM - Razorblade Romance, .. - .

Dark Secret Love:

Single-graphy updated:

- updated scans of Join Me [4 tracks CDM, Limited Edition, Digipack]
- added scans of Solitary Man [CDM, German Release]
- added scans of Solitary Man [Promo CDS, German Release]
- added Pretending (Edicion Especial) [Spain promo CD, cardsleeve]

Album-graphy updated:

- added 2 photos from Venus Doom [Limited Edition, 2CD]
- added scans of Venus Doom [Japanese Release]
- added scans of Venus Doom [Walter Payton promo]
- added scans of Greatest Lovesongs vol.666 [Original Release]
- added scans of Razorblade Romance [HER US Release]

Compilation-graphy updated:

- added scans of Uneasy Listening Vol. 1 [European 1st Release, with different front cover]

Thanx to Dima, Drica666, Joker616 for all today additions!

17.11.2011 - 11:00: New interview and news about Gas!

Some news from Gas [in finnish]

HIM (aka Fortress of Tears :) ) , Revolver Mag ( ). , . , ?

Revolver Mag, -, , ( , ?). , ?

, ( ) 3 , . , , - . . , . , : , .

, 3 ? . , , . , , . , !

30.10.2011 - 16:05: HIM Project has started!

The first part of HIM Project includes: all albums, singles, promos with rare tracks, compilations and many unreleased & non-album tracks. Enjoy!

18.10.2011 - 20:10

Single-graphy updated:

- updated scans and info of Poison Girl [4 tracks CDM, Limited Edition, Digipack, German Release]
- added Uncover... An Introduction [UK promo CDS]

Linde-graphy updated:

- added scans of Daniel Lioneye - Vol.II

Thanx to and for all today additions!

15.10.2011 - 11:00

Album-graphy updated:

- added scans of Venus Doom [Normal Edition, Russian Release]
- added scans of Deep Shadows And Brilliant Highlights [Normal Edition, Japaneese Release]

Single-graphy updated:

- updated scans of HeartKiller [2 tracks CDS]
- added other scans of Bleed Well [Promo CDS]
- added different sticker from HeartKiller [UK promo CDS]
- added Wings Of A Butterfly [US Promo CDS]
- added Killing Loneliness [US Promo CD-R]
- added Killing Loneliness [CDS]
- updated scans of The Funeral Of Hearts Vol.2 [UK CDS]

Compilation-graphy updated:

- added scans of Razorblade Romance/Deep Shadows And Brilliant Hightlights [2 CD Box Set, 2011 version]

Video-graphy updated:

- added scans of The Video Collection 1997-2003 [DVD]
- added Scared To Death [US Promo DVD]
- added photos of Digital Versatile Doom [CD + DVD, US Promo]

Thanx to Miguel Martínez Gil, , Max, Drica666 for all today additions! Tell me, if I forgot about you ;)

02.10.2011 - 15:35

Heartagram Team twitt: There has been NO official announcement on the title of the new album. Any titles floating around are rumors.

Like I said a week ago, new album title "Until Love Do Us Part" is fake. Confirmation of this you can see above (new twitt from HeartagramTeam). People, stop spreading rumors! :)

, "Until Love Do Us Part" . ( HeartagramTeam). , ! :)

P.S.: new project powered by SaintScream.ru will start soon!

24.09.2011 - 10:40

New album title "Until Love Do Us Part" is FAKE!!!

New HIM poster in Kerrang! magazine (but photo is old)

Daniel Lioneye merchandise

- , :

- Dark Light (US Release) (350 )
- Venus Doom (special edition, digipack, 2 cd) (400 )
- Wicked Game (CDM) + Greatest Lovesongs + King of Rock'n'Roll (500 )
- And Love Said No (promo cds) + And Love Said No (16 tracks release) + Solitary Man (CDS) (600 )
- Gone With The Sin (CDM) + Right Here In My Arms (CDM) + Poison Girl (CDM) (350 )
- The Sacrament (promo) + Killing Loneliness (CDS) + And Love Said No (CDS) (2000 )
- GLS v.666 + Razorblade Romance + Deep Shadows (190 )
- Join Me + Gone With The Sin + Wicked Game (500 )
- Poison Girl + Solitary Man + The Sacrament (450 )
- Right Here In My Arms + Gone With The Sin + Uneasy Listening vol.2 (350 )
- Razorblade Romance (Ltd edition) + Deep Shadows (Ltd edition) (500 )
- Join Me (Ltd edition) + Poison Girl (Ltd edition) (500 )
- Pretending (Ltd edition) + Heartache Every Moment (Ltd edition) (500 )
- Venus Doom (special edition, digipack, 2cd) (250 )
- In Joy And Sorrow [Ltd edition] + The Sacrament [Ltd edition] (500 )
- Love Metal [Ltd edition] (100 )
- Wicked Game (450 )
- Venus Doom [Limited Edition] (1200 )
- Screamworks (Heratagram Internet edition) (1200 )
- DVDoom (Ltd edition with flipbook) (1200 )
- And Love Said No (5 vinyl box) (4100 )


Some beautiful HIM covers from ISY Effect:

Album-graphy updated:

- added scans of Deep Shadows And Brilliant Highlights [Normal Edition, European release]
- added scans of Razorblade Romance [Limited Edition, Digipack, with copy protection]
- added scans of box from Dark Light [Normal Edition, US Release]

Single-graphy updated:

- added some scans of Bleed Well [Promo CDS with con sticker]
- updated scans of In Joy And Sorrow [5 tracks CDM, Limited Edition, Digipack]
- added In Joy And Sorrow \ Pretending [CDS]
- added In Joy And Sorrow \ Pretending [7" vinyl]
- added Scared To Death [Promo CDr #2, 3]
- added Scared To Death [Denmark promo CDr]

Video-graphy updated:

- fixed scan of The Funeral Of Hearts [UK Promo DVD]
- added scans of Solitary Man Vol.1 [DVD] with promo sticker

Compilation-graphy updated:

- added scans of Razorblade Romance/Deep Shadows And Brilliant Hightlights [2 CD Box Set]

Linde-graphy updated:

- added scans of Jeff Walker Und Die Flüffers Welcome To Carcass Cuntry

Thanx to Miguel Martínez Gil, , Max, , , for all today additions! Tell me, if I forgot about you ;)

13.09.2011 - 09:20: Daniel Lioneye new album

Linde's new interview about Daniel Lioneye

, Daniel Lioneye. , Vol.II, black metal. , HIM , , . HIM, , , () .

Updated: Heartagram.Com finnaly closed!!!

06.09.2011 - 09:30: situation with Heartagram.com

Official forum moderator explained the situation with heartagram.com:

Legally/technically/etc., the Heartagram.com domain is being transferred from Warner's ownership to HIM's. Practically, that means the website has to be transferred from Warner's servers to a new one. Presumably that means a new website, along with a new forum. There's no word on exactly when this is going to happen, but you're advised to save stuff you want to keep because it may not be that long.


Heartagram.com Warner HIM. , Warner . , -, . , , , , , .

, HIM - Gone With The Sin:

03.09.2011 - 13:00

Album-graphy updated:

- added scans of Dark Light [Normal Edition, US Release]
- updated scans of Dark Light [Promo EP]
- updated scans of Dark Light [Mexico Promo CD]

Single-graphy updated:

- added HeartKiller [UK promo CDS]
- added HeartKiller [2 tracks CDS]
- added 2 versions of Scared To Death [Promo CDM]

Video-graphy updated:

- added HeartKiller [UK Promo DVD]
- updated info and added all scans of Born Again Romantics [DVD]
- updated scan of Kiss Of Dawn [Promo, DVD]
- added 2 con stickers of Wings Of A Butterfly [Promo, Digipack, CD + DVD]
- added cd photo of Multimedia CD [Promo]

Thanx to Miguel Martínez Gil and (Yanich) for all today additions!

02.09.2011 - 10:00: Heartagram.Com is shutting down!

Heartagram Team twitt #1: Bad news: no Helldone this year. Good news: it's because they're working on a new album! 2012 will be great so hang in there!

Heartagram Team twitt #2: Heartagram.com is shutting down for a bit while the site is reworked and new album done. Save any pics, etc, ASAP!

Heartagram Team twitt #3: there's not a set date for the new site launch yet. We'll let you know.

Heartagram.Com email to registered users:

Hello! As our musical expedition is proceeding into the uncharted territories of human mind and necromantic arts, we have decided to close the current heartagram.com website. If you have something you wish to keep from the vaults, such as photos, artwork etc, now is the time to make your move! We would also like to thank all you dear people for visiting our site and making it a wondrous and vibrant haven of thoughts, ideas, curiosity and creativity. As someone once said: "fear not!". This is not the death of heartagram.com, merely a savage and creepy mutation..indeed it is our plan to provide you renewed online euphoria at some point in near future once the tail of the elusive sonic dragon is firmly in our grasp!

Stay safe, you will hear from us again when you least expect it!

With love&respect, Mz & HIM

And in conclusion: yesterday I received a post mail containing a DVD "Born Again Romantics". It contains the same movie as the DVD "Poison Arrow" and band discography. Scans will be added later.

HIM - . . Heartagram Team Heartagram.Com . , Helldone , , . , .

: DVD "Born Again Romantics". , DVD "Poison Arrow", .. .

07.08.2011 - 10:45

Some good news: the band's manager Seppo Vesterinen in a recent interview said that HIM throughout the summer rehearsing new songs and plans to release an album in 2012.

, . HIM , 2012 .

And some additions in DB:

Album-graphy updated:

- scans of Razorblade Romance [Normal Edition, German Release]
- scans of Deep Shadows And Brilliant Highlights [European Promo]

Single-graphy updated:

- scans of Pretending [European promo CDS]
- scans of Pretending [5 tracks CDM, Digipack, German Release]
- scans of The Kiss Of Dawn [Finnish CDS]
- scans of The Kiss Of Dawn [US CDS]
- scans of The Kiss Of Dawn [German CDM]
- scans of The Kiss Of Dawn [UK CDS]
- scans of The Kiss Of Dawn [UK 7" Picture Vinyl #1]
- scans of The Kiss Of Dawn [UK 7" Picture Vinyl #2]
- scans of Bleed Well [Promo CDS] (some CDrs)
- scans of Bleed Well [EP, Web release]

Thanx to Drica666, Miguel Martínez Gil, , (Yanich) for all today additions!