06.03.2021SaintScream Website Design v.3.5.0

SaintScream Website Design v.3.5.0

Dear SaintScream readers! We are happy to announce, that we finished substantial upgrade of the third website design version! This time we decide not to re-build everything from the zero, but improve the existing variant. And we did it pretty good! Website became more user-friendly and lost all the bugs! Everythings are in the same style, but works much better and comfortable.

Frequent visitors have long noticed that since January something strange has been happening on this or that page, some elements of the page run away, and some have completely acquired a new look:) If you one of them - congratulations, you have very good attention to details;) So, here's a complete list of changes and improvements:

As a bonus - retrospective of website design from different years:

SaintScream Website Design v.3.5.0

ss_v3 (april 2014)

SaintScream Website Design v.3.5.0

ss_v2 (feb 2012)

SaintScream Website Design v.3.5.0

ss_v1 (2011)

By the way, today our site is exactly 10 years old🎉! From all our admins, we say thank you very much for being with us all this time! Thanks everyone!

© 2011-2021 SaintScream: The Biggest HIM Database. Design by D.

   Added by: D. 6-03-2021, 10:49 1942