17.07.2014Full gig at Metro Theatre, Sydney

Music portal Moshcam July 4 will publish on its website a professional video of full concert HIM, which was held February 25, 2014 in the Metro Theatre in Sydney. Do not miss it!

Source - moshcam.com/him/metro-theatre-1781.aspx

UPD: below added youtube-playlist with full concert. Enjoy!!

UPD: link for download of full concert added in Love Metal Archives - Video Section 2 Get it to your collection ;)

UPD: mistaken file #16 (When Love And Death Emrace) was changed. Added for download: audio-version of concert, video-version in one file (720p). Links searching here.

   Added by: XTasy 17-07-2014, 07:32 5024